“The culture of a group is inextricably tied to the personality of it’s leader. The values, attitudes, beliefs and customs of the leader become that of the group.”
— Dr. Trenance Richardson
Community Agreements
The aim for having community agreements is to provide a space that is welcoming, comfortable, inspiring and beneficial for all. Using such practices and tools we can challenge ourselves and each other while still recognizing that we all contribute unique knowledge and experience, while hopefully creating a positive impact on our community/ies.
Original community agreements by BUFU, modified by MINKA brooklyn practitioners, adapted by Flatbush Mixtape
Honor this Land - Flatbush occupies Lenape land on Turtle Island. For those of us who are settlers of this Indigenous land, we must constantly give thanks and acknowledge the stolen lives and the ongoing struggles of our Indigenous family in the face of American imperialism - we ground our session from this.
Honor the history of this Land - We honor Brooklyn’s abolitionist history and uplift our legacy of resistance. What differentiates Brooklyn from other boroughs is that we had the largest and most politically aware and active Black community in the United States standing for the liberation of enslaved Africans and the abolishment of slavery.
This is a BRAVE space, and a SAFE space - Release judgement based on identity and identity, expression of both can be affirmed without fear or pressure to educate, encouraging dialogue.
Speak from the ‘I’ - Speak from your own experience.
Confidentiality - Take home the experience and learning, not the identity of folks who are courageous to be vulnerable. Do not speak of shared experience outside of shared space without prior consent
Be the risk taker/truth sharer - speak your truth, be open. We are here to listen and learn from all of us. Make mistakes - it’s only human, and there is no shame in falling on your beautiful face. Discomfort is your new friend - expect to be challenged, yet expect no one to judge you. We are here to explore the discomfort - so we can learn the lesson for integration.
Throw sunshine not shade - It takes all of us to create a safe space of growth and healing. Curb your judgement - and inquire where this judgement is coming from.
Be curious - about others’ points of view, and about your reaction to them. Be willing to try on new and unfamiliar ideas and ways of doing things.
Respect people’s identity - don’t assume, ASK. We strive for an anti-oppressive space. Be conscious of points of privilege and oppression that live in the space, and the power dynamics between us.
Move up/Move Back - Be aware of the space you are taking up, make sure everyone feels heard, not just the outspoken few.
Practice mindful listening - Listen for the sake of listening, allow the new idea to surprise you and open you up to new possibilities of reality.
Practice self care as community care - Stay engaged with your whole body. Mental & emotional reaction has physical consequence, listen to your mind, heart and body.
Read the room - We all live our own realities, and they are all different, be flexible and open to other ideas while making sure you are not imposing your ideals as the ‘truth’. Look around, and see how the room ‘feels’.
Expect ‘non-closure’ - We want you to hang out in uncertainty. It is the place of possibility, learning and unlearning. True learning and transformation takes time - do not rush to have an easily packaged conclusion. Life is messy and it’s beautiful.
We welcome your feedback.
Our lived experiences as black indigenous people of color in community and in leadership guide our principles and practices. We do not have all the answers and because we are human, we will make mistakes. Our work is grounded in restorative and transformative justice principles shared with us through Indigenous wisdom of peacemaking practices.
We commit to moving through difficult conversations and situations. Our intention is to address harm and create mutual respect and peace for both parties.
We also welcome your joy and celebration.
You may submit your feedback to us anonymously, however, if you would like a response, please include your contact information. Email us or use the form below.