Flatbush Fantasy Faction

Join the Flatbush Fantasy Faction, a gaming collective where you can immerse yourself in epic storytelling, gaming, and adventure. Whether you’re into board games, role-playing games, or simply enjoy gaming with friends, we’ve got you covered. RSVP today and let us know if you plan on bringing your favorite game. 

And don’t forget to sign up for our Role-Play One-Shot Adventures, where you can experience the thrill of Dungeons and Dragons-esque gameplay without the long-term commitment. Currently, we have been trying out various role-play systems, and played ATMA, as well as tiny d6, and FATE.

Beginner friendly, and no commitment necessary! Come play with us, drop-in and learn the basics, or just vibe.

BOARDGAMES. Neighbors have been bringing games they’ve been itching to test and play with people, and would LOVE to see and play some new games. What you got, what you bringin?

If you know you’re able to come, please take a second to use the link below to RSVP! And if you’re not sure until the day of, that’s no problem! Swing by and we’ll see how to get you in a game. Come early for roleplaying, but latecomers welcome for boardgames!

We want to run several games, by finding additional DMs, and Game Masters.. If you’d like to DM for neighbors, or lead another kind of game, please reach out.

Lefferts Historic House

October 20th


Flatbush Fantasy Faction


Stone Soup